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    Mountain Light Unity believes strongly in the power of prayer.  And now we have established a prayer ministry. All prayer requests will be addressed. If you, or someone you know, would like to have us pray with you, please contact MaryHelen Kelan (303-910-7882) or Don Showalter (303-423-6320) and leave a message. Or, write to the Mountain Light Unity address.  

    Another method is to call the Center's phone (303-697-1533) and leave a message.  Soon, there will be a link on the Web site to request prayer. You may also fill out a "Prayer Request Form" and place it in the prayer box. The forms and the prayer  box are kept on the information table. 

    Every week, the prayer slips are sent to Unity Village, where those intentions are held in prayer for 30 days. All prayer requests will be treated confidentially unless you ask that our Unity family pray for a specific intention on Sunday or on Monday evenings at the end of the Quest class.

    This prayer ministry is how Mountain Light Unity carries on the tradition begun when Myrtle Fillmore established Silent Unity over one hundred years ago.  Silent Unity is an around the clock prayer vigil available to all people.  Since the Silent Unity Chapel was built, the lights in the cupola have never gone out.   The address and phone number for Silent Unity are available in the Daily Word.


    Mountain Light Unity has understood the desire of parents to have a safe place for their children to remember spiritual truth while parents attend service.  It has become a reality at our new location.

    Hilarie Anderson, Robert and Sunny Reimann have lent their considerable spiritual energies to the establishment of a Youth Ministry for Mountain Light Unity.  We have separate rooms to be able to divide the children into appropriate age groups.  Sunny is developing a strong spiritual program which combines teaching and fun.  Mountain Light Unity is blessed that these wonderful people have stepped forward to share their considerable talents.

    We invite those of you with children to come experience the "new" Unity in Evergreen.  We feel confident that you will enjoy the direction in which we are going.

    Mountain Light Unity has an urgent need for qualified individuals to conduct the Youth Education program Sundays. Ideally, the person chosen to provide guidance and leadership will have an education, child care or child development background combined with a New Thought background and a love of children. In addition, there is a need for someone to provided infant/child care. At first, these positions will be voluntary and the value placed on providing such service will be recorded as part, or all, of the gift to the Center. As membership contributions and participation in the Youth Education program grows, reasonable compensation will be considered. The Unity Teen program will begin operating when we have enough young members between the ages of 13 and 18.  Robert Reimann has agreed to head up this program.  We have all been waiting for the site that would allow this much needed programming to return to Mountain Light Unity.  The availability of the use of Center Stage and The Evergreen Conference Center has made this desire a reality. 

    Mountain Light Unity, in concert with Evergreen Christian Outreach, is collecting non-perishable food and clothing to be distributed to those in the Evergreen area who are struggling to make ends meet. People who view Evergreen from afar are unaware of the number of people living here who are having difficulties. If each of us were to bring two articles of clothing and/or two cans, or boxes, of food each Sunday that we attend service, we could greatly enhance the living conditions of our fellow humans.  While it is true that the current collection efforts of Evergreen Christian Outreach ended on Aug. 18, Mountain Light will continue to accept donations for the remainder of the year. All items collected will be given to the Evergreen Christian Outreach for dispersal to qualified individuals and families. We believe that this is an important resource for the community.


    Mountain Light Unity is currently conducting classes on "The Quest - A Journey of Spiritual Rediscovery" on Monday evenings beginning at 6:00 PM.  The classes are being held at the Evergreen Conference Center on Fireweed Drive adjacent to the Center Stage.  Classes on "A Course in Miracles" will follow.  Watch this site or wait for announcements at the Center for exact dates and times of the next classes.

Recommended Reading... 


The books below are the list of the most recommended reading and the title links to the most affordable price on the internet, however if the title has a star next to it the those titles are available from the Center bookstore and you can support the Center and purchase them by contacting Don Showalter or asking a staff member at Sunday services.


Daily Guideposts - website
*Lessons In Truth 

- H. Emilie Cady

*The Quest for Prayer 

- Richard/Mary - Alice Jafolla

*The Quest

- Richard/Mary - Alice Jafolla

*Adventures on the Quest

- Richard and Mary-Alice Jafolla

*Hilltop Heart 

- James Dillet Freeman

A Course in Miracles

Conversations with God; An Uncommon Dialogue- Neale Donald Walsch

Book One



Book Two



Book Three 


The Practice of the Presence of God 

- Brother Lawrence

*The Story of Unity 

- James Dillet Freeman

* The Twelve Powers

- Charles Fillmore

The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Sermon on the Mount

- Emmet Fox

Alter Your Life

- Emmet Fox

Find and Use Your Inner Power 

- Emmet Fox

The Prophet 

- Kahlil Gibran

How I Used Truth 

- Emilie Cady

High Mysticism 

- Emma Curtis Hopkins

How to Know God 

- Deepak Chopra

A Return To Love 

- Marianne Williamson

Enchanted Love 

- Marianne Williamson

Unity - A Quest for Truth

-Eric Butterworth


Handbook of Positive Prayer

- Hypatia Hasbrouck


*Illusions : The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah

- Richard Bach

Friendship with God

- Neale Donald Walsch

Communion with God

- Neale Donald Walsch






My son, listen to my words; bow down your ear to my sayings.
Let them not depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart.
For they are life to those who find them, and health to all his flesh.
Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

Proverbs 4:20-23







The ultimate selfishness is to ignore your need for change.

-- Brad Jensen









Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose. 

- Tehyi Hsieh











Aim for success,
not perfection.
Never give up your right to be wrong,
because then you will lose
the ability to learn new things
and move forward with your life.
Remember that fear
always lurks behind perfectionism.
Confronting your fears and allowing yourself
the right to be human can,
make you a far happier and
more productive person.








God is Love.
When we choose to express our Love as Service,
we experience our own divinity,
and touch the Joy
that God must feel in giving us Life.







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