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What is Y.O.U.?

The Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.) is a group of teens aged 14 to 18 years who come together to learn Unity principles, serve the community, and share loving, spiritual fellowship. Local Y.O.U. chapters are formed under the guidance of local Unity ministries and the Association of Unity Churches.


Why be a part of Y.O.U.?

To discover, explore, and develop your inner Christ potential in an atmosphere of openness, freedom, and unconditional love.

To discuss with other Truth-oriented teenagers the challenges that everyone faces in growing up and becoming independent.

To have fun, plan activities, and serve others with a group of accepting friends.

To participate in regional and international gatherings where you can meet and get to know other teenagers from Unity churches in your area and all over the world.

What activities are offered?

All Y.O.U. activities are designed to create a balance of study, prayer, service, and fellowship that involve, motivate, and stimulate young people to be in expression what they are in reality: children of God.


Each Sunday a spiritual lesson is offered to assist the Y.O.U.ers in the understanding of spiritual laws and their practical application in daily life. Time is also spent in prayer and meditation and in developing a consciousness of Oneness. Y.O.U.ers sometimes attend weekend retreats which allow for more intensive exploration of their divine nature through group workshops and interaction.


Y.O.U.ers conduct projects to assist their church and community. A service project is a donation of time, love, and energy to accomplish good in the service of others. Each Y.O.U. group organizes and implements a wide variety of service projects depending upon the needs of the group, church, and community.


Y.O.U.ers believe in celebrating life and appreciating the joy of togetherness. Y.O.U.ers take a leadership role in creating fun activities such as lock-ins, dances, swim parties, etc. These experiences provide an opportunity to practice spiritual principles as they apply to daily life. It is a loving place to build friendships, build self-esteem, and just have a great time learning and growing together.

What does Unity teach in Y.O.U.?

God is the Source and Creator of all. God is the only power in the universe.

Jesus was a person in history who perfectly expressed his Divine nature and thereby became the Christ, or Jesus Christ. He is the great example who shows us the way to find and express our Divine nature (that part of us that is made in the image and likeness of God).

As spiritual beings, we co-create with God through the power of our thoughts and feelings. By holding positive ideas in mind, we tend to bring those ideas into expression in our lives.

Prayer is the most powerful form of thought. Through daily contemplation and affirmation of Truth, we can establish more Christ-like patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

How do adults participate?

Each Y.O.U. chapter has at least one adult sponsor who provides a Sunday lesson and guides the group's activities. The sponsor works with the Y.O.U.ers on all projects, advises the officers and promotes a spirit of cooperation in the group. While the sponsor is present to assist, support, and oversee, the major responsibility for planning, conducting, and evaluating activities rests with the Y.O.U.ers.

What is a Regional Y.O.U. Rally?

Geographic areas around the world have been grouped into regions. There are eight Y.O.U. regions in the United States and Canada, each with a regional team consisting of an adult consultant and two Y.O.U. regional officers. At least once a year, all the chapters in a Y.O.U. region come together for a weekend retreat called a Rally. Rallies feature family workshops that build consciousness, leadership, and self-esteem. Concerts, speakers, dances or talent shows, and the election of regional officers are also a part of the Rally program.

What is the International Y.O.U. Conference?

The Conference is held each summer for six days and features activities much like those at a regional rally. Conference delegates, ages 15 to 18, are selected from each local church based upon their participation and leadership in their local Y.O.U. group.

How do I become a member?

Every young person aged 14 through 18 years of age is invited to join Y.O.U. A desire to join, a willingness to take part in activities, and attendance at three consecutive Y.O.U. meetings form the basis of membership. Regular attendance is required to maintain active membership status.

Recommended Reading for Unity Youth

  • Let There Be Light - Elizabeth Sand Turner
  • Alternatives - William Fischer
  • Teach Us to Pray - Charles and Cora Fillmore
  • The Unity Way - Marcus Bach
  • Friends in High Places - Thomas Shepherd
  • Your Hope of Glory - Elizabeth Sand Turner
  • Be Ye Transformed - Elizabeth Sand Turner
  • Discover the Power Within - Eric Butterworth
  • Talks on Truth - Charles Fillmore
  • What Are You? - Imelda Shanklin
  • The Simple Truth - Mary Alice JaFolla
  • Jonathan Livingston Seagul -Richard Bach
  • The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman
  • Practicing the Presence - Joel Goldsmith
  • Touching Peace - Thich Nhat Hanh
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens - Sean Covey
  • Conversations with God for Teens - Neale Donald Walsch
  • Dare to Be Yourself - Alan Cohen
  • The World Religions - Huston Smith
  • Your Sacred Self - Wayne Dyer
  • The Seat of the Soul - Gary Zukav
  • The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
  • The 4 Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Living Buddha, Living Christ - Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Illusions - Richard Bach





Our vision is to embrace the awareness of our perfection, to celebrate being simply Divine, and to empower the intention of Unity.













WE BELIEVE in our common unity with all life and the "new commandment" of Jesus Christ: "that you love one another as I have loved you" (John 13:34).

WE BELIEVE in universal principles and spiritual values as revealed and demonstrated by Jesus Christ and the continuing revelations of the Christ Presence.

WE BELIEVE in practicing prayer and meditation as our primary means of becoming conscious of our oneness with God.








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